These are part of the group of the Atelinae family. They have this name for having limbs longer than the size of their trunks and for using all the limbs and tail when moving.
They occur in the Amazonian region in Brazil, in addition to the Surinam, Guyana and French Guiana. These monkeys weigh between six and 8 kg and can reach up to 60 cm in length (head and body). They display peculiar characteristics, such as the presence of a rudimentary thumb, which constitutes an adaptation for leaping from branch to branch, in which the hand is used as a hook and a prehensile tail, that can reach up to 80 cm in length, which gives them the skill for arboreal living.
They live in the forest treetop canopy and rarely come down to the floor. Their nutrition may vary based on the season, looking for fruit, seeds, leaves, insects and eggs.
Medium-sized private, measuring about 60 cm
Some of its species are in danger of extinction
According to the INCU, spider monkey species find themselves in different situations of conservation (from the least concerning all the way to endangered). Countless factors, including predatory hunting, in addition to fragmentation of the habitat through anthropic activities (such as agriculture and urban expansion) are responsible for the decline in populations.
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